Managing Stress - Improving Productivity

Facilitator-led interactive stress resilience and management training workshop

This workshop will improve well-being, staff retention and workplace productivity by improving your employees ability to become more resilience to stress and manage stress in a more effective way.

Managing Stress – Improving Productivity,  is an interactive workshop that provides practical solutions to reduce and manage workplace stress, improve productivity and personal well-being

Some well-being programmes can be a bit dry and serious. This workshop is highly interactive, fun and engaging, whilst also being informative and educational. Using science-based knowledge and personal experience participants are engaged, informed and empowered to better manage stress, diet and the balance between work and home life.

Who should attend?

Anyone in the workplace who would like to improve their productivity by learning strategies to manage stress

How is it delivered?

Delivery options includes a choice of these formats:

  1. Half day facilitator-led workshop
  2. Full day facilitator-led workshop
Workshop Overview:

This interactive facilitator-led workshop engages participants in a two-way conversation about the issues of stress in the workplace and at home. Using a style that includes presenting, questioning and the sharing of personal experiences, this workshop encourages participants to share and discuss issues relating to stress that may be affecting their productivity at work. Participants will gain a greater understanding of some factors that produce internally generated stress and tension and how to better manage those factors. Participants will also learn the process of how stress develops in the mind and body, what factors influence stress and how it affects workplace performance. Participants will discuss factors that produce work-place stress and learn strategies to effectively manage the stress factors

By the end of the workshop, participants will:
  • Develop a greater understanding of how stress happens and how to avoid and manage it
  • Develop a greater understanding of how stress affects productivity
  • Learn strategies to deal with stress in the workplace

Enquiry Form

If you would like to make an enquiry about this workshop or programme, please complete the enquiry form. You will get a response within 24 hours.